Request an Appointment / After Hours Provider – 352-518-2000
Home / Patients / Important Forms
Welcome Packet
Patient Information Form
Financial Policy
Read our Privacy Practices Policy
No Show Policy
Moderna Vaccine Consent
Patient Rights and Responsibilities
Designation of Health Care Surrogate for a Minor
Adult Medical History for patients 18 and older
Depression Screening PHQ-9 for patients 13 and older
Pediatric Medical History for patients 17 and younger
Dental Medical History for all dental patients
For patients 18 and older
Depression Screening for patients 13 and older
For patients 17 and younger
For all dental patients
If you are applying for our Sliding Fee Discount Program, you will need to complete the following:
List all family members and dependents living in your household.
A Family is one or more persons living in one dwelling place who are related by blood, marriage, or law.
A Dependent is someone who lives in your household and qualifies as a dependent for federal tax purposes.
You will also need proof of income for all working family members for the past 30 days. We accept check stubs, SSI or Disability award letters, Child Support or Alimony orders, or Unemployment compensation. If you do not have any of these, the following alternative options may apply:
If you do not receive check stubs or have recently started a new job, please have your employer complete this form. It must be dated within fourteen (14) days of your scheduled appointment.
This is a signed form indicating your net income for the past month. You will also need to provide all of the following:
This is a signed form indicating that someone is supporting you at this time. To be eligible to use this form you must be:
Sign up to receive valuable health information.